Small business owners for C-Ville Weekly

C-Ville Weekly recently put out an issue circulating 3 different covers featuring small business owners in Charlottesville Virginia. Each of the owners we photographed were engaging and nice. A real pleasure.

Lighting:  ringflash as fill and a Profoto 22" soft light as the main. Camera: Canon 5diii. Lens: Canon 45mm ts-e. We used the shift feature with the camera horizontally and stitched together the 3 images giving a unique perspective and a larger more detailed image.

Thanks to our art director Max for his guidance. Jeff, George, and Laura for being easy and patient. And especially to for your help and support.

This is Jeff Anderson owner of Fitzgerald Tire

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This is George Swingler owner of Rose Hill Grocery

And this is Laura Conklin owner of Iron Wolf Fitness.


dried leaves still life


Civil rights leader Steven Rubin